Church Council

Leading our Church in Witnessing, Welcoming, and Worshiping

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Vision & Mission

Through discernment, discussion and decision-making, representing and serving members as We guide First Parish to most fully live our many missions

Church Council

As a congregational church, our decisions about our life together are made by our members.  The Church Council is elected annually by church members to represent diverse interests in authorizing, overseeing and developing the operations and missions of our Congregation.  Council encourages collaboration among the Committees and Teams and, when a new need arises that isn’t met by current Committees or Teams, Council may appoint new Task-specific Teams.

The Church Council is made up of seven (7) members.  There is a focus by the Nominating Committee to identify potential members who represent the diversity of our First Parish membership.  The Church Council meets monthly and also hosts two Ministry Forums annually during which Council members meet with staff and Chairs of the Committees and Teams to review larger mission, policy and planning questions.  The Council is assisted by two other elected bodies, the Finance Committee and the Deacons of the church.

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Other Teams & Committees

First Parish offers any opportunities to get involved, teams and committees are always looking for new members. Take a look at these opportunities to get more involved in our mission to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God.

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