
Deacons assist the ministers in nurturing the spiritual life of the Congregation.

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Vision & Mission

As Deacons of First Parish Church, our purpose is to nurture the spiritual life of the congregation by assisting the ministers in the celebration of the sacraments, extending hospitality and fellowship among the congregation and minister to one another with care and love. Deacons serve the church, helping it envision and achieve its spiritual potential.


The major areas of responsibility are:

  1. Assist the pastors in the services of worship
  2. Serve Communion
  3. Assist with Baptisms and New Member Sundays
  4. Assist with special services such as Maundy Thursday, Good Friday etc.
  5. Welcome and integrate new members into the fellowship of First Parish Church
  6. Assist the ministers in caring for the sick, those who are shut-in, and those in need
  7. Coordinate the scheduling of ushers for Sunday worship and other special services

If you are interested in learning more about or becoming a Deacon, please contact"

Our Projects

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New member luncheon

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New member buddies

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Outreach to homebound parishioners

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Other Teams & Committees

First Parish offers any opportunities to get involved, teams and committees are always looking for new members. Take a look at these opportunities to get more involved in our mission to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God.

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