The EarthCare Team

Caring for Creation through events, education, advocacy, and sustainability.

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Vision & Mission

We pledge to take actions to increase our understanding, celebration, and stewardship of God’s good Earth in home, congregation, community, state, and in the world.

The EarthCare Team

The EarthCare Team began in response to a 2003 initiative of Maine Interfaith Power and Light and the Maine Council of Churches’ Environmental Justice Program. Our group was formally endorsed by the Outreach Committee in June 2004. First Parish Church’s EarthCare Team joins some 30 other local church teams across Maine.

Our Projects

Barbara Clark Garden of Hope

We were recently able to hold a dedication ceremony for the garden just outside Pilgrim House. We hope that it is a place of rest, peace, and beauty for the whole community of Brunswick. We worked hard to make sure the plants are native to the region and will be beneficial to pollinators and other wildlife, in addition to being beautiful.

First Parish Campus Sustainability

We are constantly striving to make our campus and practices as sustainable as possible. This includes saving energy through changes to the heating and lighting of our main sanctuary and Pilgrim House. We are also exploring the possibility of better insulating the roof of Pilgrim House, and installing solar panels so that many of our activities could be fueled by renewable energy gathered on-site.

Earth Day Pledges

For Earth Day last year, we invited the congregation to make pledges, small or large, to take action for the earth in some way. We were elated to receive such an enthusiastic response, and encouraged by the diversity of ways people in our community plan to learn more about and soften their impacts on the world. From composting to climate advocacy, all actions big and small can make a difference.

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Other Teams & Committees

First Parish offers any opportunities to get involved, teams and committees are always looking for new members. Take a look at these opportunities to get more involved in our mission to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God.

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