Archive for adult christian education

“Uncle Tom’s Cabin” Lunch, Talk, and Museum Visit

Join us on Wednesday, May 8th for a special afternoon celebrating Uncle Tom’s Cabin. We’ll begin in the Pilgrim House chapel at noon for a brown bag lunch and talk by Susan Beegel on Uncle Tom’s Cabin as a “great revival sermon” mobilizing religion on behalf of the…

“Whatever Became of Sin?” Lunch Bag Discussion Series

You are invited to join us for a bag lunch discussion series that will meet at noon in Pilgrim House the first three Wednesdays in November (1st, 8th, and 15th) as we tackle the topic “Whatever Became of Sin?” and related issues, led by Rev. Annette Mott. The…

“Whatever Became of Sin?”: A Lunch Bag Discussion Series

You are invited to join us for a lunch bag discussion series that will meet at noon in Pilgrim House the first three Wednesdays in November (1st, 8th, and 15th) as we tackle the topic “Whatever Became of Sin?” and related issues, led by Rev. Annette Mott. The…