Mid Coast Hunger Prevention Program (MCHPP) November Special Offering

Our November Special Offering will support the Mid Coast Hunger Prevention Project (MCHPP). MCHPP’s mission is “to offer dignity and empowerment by providing all members of our community with access to healthy food.”

In the ongoing effort to reduce hunger MCHPP operates nine different programs and serves residents of six counties. They processed 1.5 million pounds of food, served 1.4million meals, and partnered with 25 schools last year. Many of our church members are among the volunteers who provided 28,800 hours of service at MCHPP in 2022! For more information visit

As well as contributing to the November special offering for MCHPP, there is always an opportunity to support MCHPP by placing non-perishable food in the bin located in the sanctuary near the vestry doors. In addition to non-perishable food, we will collect new Ziplocs (and other plastic storage bags) for MCHPP! Their Food Pantry uses these repack produce into individual portions for distribution, and they go through a lot of them! 

Our gifts to MCHPP will be collected throughout the month of November. To donate online to this month’s Special Offering, visit our E-Giving page and select “November Special Offering: Mid Coast Hunger PP” from the Fund drop-down menu. To donate by check, be sure to specify “MCHPP” in the memo line.

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